
Twenty-Four Rivers, LLC


We raise animals on green grass and clean soil. By growing, processing, and direct marketing our products, we control all aspects of our business providing our family and yours naturally healthy animals.
Poultry, swine and cattle are the prinicpal animals raised. Our poultry offerings are eggs year round, fresh chicken May – October and turkeys in the fall. We are a farrow to finish and on farm processor of our hogs with pork available November – February. Cattle includes beef offerings beginning Spring of 2013.
A little more about our poultry: We hatch all our own replacement layers, primarily Rhode Island Reds, ensuring superior reistance to Florida native diseases. We do not use any form of antibiotics on any of our poultry, choosing instead to rely on sound breeding and careful selection to build natural immunity and healthy birds resulting in naturally healthy eggs.
With the meat type chickens we raise, Freedom Rangers, we utilize the same antibiotic free approach as does the hatchery that supplies the chicks.
Chickens are birds of prey and with that in mind we strive to supplement their natural diet, foraged in our rotating pastures, with a consistent protien and vitamin content. The pasture, specifically the tender new growth grasses, provide folic acid, phosphorous, Vitamin K and Omega fatty acids in abudance. We offer them a balanced grain mix, millet/soy for protien, wheat/sorghum/corn for the carbohydrate. Our supplemented feed accounts for 50% of the chicken’s total daily consumption April – November and and increases in the drier months to 70%.

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