Gnarly Farms
This grower has a photo album.
We are starter homesteaders on a rental property within the Tampa City limits forging our way through sandy soils toward a tiny little eden.
The idea that organic food is best for you is not new, but we believe it based on the fact that this is how nature existed before the dawn of our own alterations to stamen and pistil. In light of this, we utilize organic fertilizers (primarily manure and compost) and focus on interplanting and biointensive methods to keep pests at a minimum rather than resorting to harmful chemicals.
We may not always come ahead financially, but we raise some of our own meat because we believe that knowing our food was not abused from birth to dinner plate is important and worth spending some hard-earned money for. Along those lines, we understand that processing meat is gory and should not be taken lightly. We have a high and honorable regard for the sacredness and value of the lives of other living things, with a recognition that our life is not possible without the sacrificing of other lives, whether they be plant or animal. Just because a leafy green does not bleed when we pick and eat it does not mean that its contribution to our sustenance is any less valuable or worthwhile.
We commune with each other in the garden and we commune with God in the garden, and the garden communes with us in our work and our bellies.